Triple Calamity: What if the Three Most Important Men in the Executive Branch Died in One Night?

As of right now it’s kinda… useless. It’s just a big snowball. It’s only use before was otters but the Russian hunters literally murdered them too fast so it has no use. (In the future it’s learned there is both gold and also oil which changes things tremendously) but I’m 1868 it’s a wasteland tile. Also Russia the heartland of Russia is unimaginably far from Alaska and it’s hard to manage. Right now Alaska is losing the Tzar a lot of money.
*And* Russia is convinced that in *any* sort of Anglo-Russian Conflict, the British will take Alaska
Why is everybody trying to get rid of Alaska?

Because as far as anyone knows at this point, there's nothing there?

And even if they'd be looking at African architecture ancient Egypt might be a far more likely source of inspiration. Now one might argue that Egypt isn't black African, but this gets conveniently ignored by certain parts of the Afro-American community to this very day as a recent Netflix "documentary" clearly shows.

I haven't heard of whatever documentary it is, but I've listened to enough Afrocentric hip-hop records to see that.
Well since this is alternate history, we can ensure misaimed Egyptomania like in the African American doesn't have to happen.
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So. I was doing research into a possible Dominican annexation and realized I made a whoopsie! The Domincan should probably already be annexed right now. Back in 1867 the Dominican Government asked to be annexed. The senate said no. Not because they didn't want the land but because they hated Andrew Johnson and didn't wanna give him any credit.

However in this timeline the Senate actually likes the President and the President himself is interested in caribbean expansion and the SoS isn't against it.

So uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm gonna add a paragraph to chapter 6 right now to fix that!
So. I was doing research into a possible Dominican annexation and realized I made a whoopsie! The Domincan should probably already be annexed right now. Back in 1867 the Dominican Government asked to be annexed. The senate said no. Not because they didn't want the land but because they hated Andrew Johnson and didn't wanna give him any credit.

So uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm gonna add a paragraph to chapter 6 right now to fix that!
Looks like Alaska will be in American hands just we bit later.
Alright everyone head back to Chapter 6: Grant Grant Grant. The second paragraph now goes over the annexation of the Dominican Republic. I’ll go into its admission to the union (and slight governmental pushes to get freedmen to get the hell out of the rapidly destabilizing south) in the next chapter or the chapter after. Probably won’t be admitting the Dominican Republic before the 1872 presidential election. (Because I’d like to spend as long as possible procrastinating touching photoshop and making a proper election map) so stay tuned!
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NGL, I hope Haiti doesn't get overrun by American imperialists with them next door.
Haiti should be a state, better yet is to unite the whole island and give freedmen and Haitian blacks full control. Next is to conquer Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. We'll have an American lake.
Greater United States Map__01.png
Update! The next chapters to come
You guys are getting Chapter 8: States, States everywhere (today)

Chapter 9: Term 2, Electric Boogaloo (on Saturday )

Chapter 10: The Election of 72’ (the day after)

Chapter 11: Architecture, Lincoln and Santo Domingo (two days after)

Chapter 12: Like Father like son (the day after)
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Feel free to guess about the contents of these chapters…
You guys are getting Chapter 8: States, States everywhere (today)

Chapter 9: Term 2, Electric Boogaloo (tomorrow)

Chapter 10: The Election of 72’ (the day after)

Chapter 11: Architecture, Lincoln and Santo Domingo (two days after)

Chapter 12: Like Father like son (the day after)
Feel free to guess about the contents of these chapters…
The only father-son pair relevant to the story that I can think of are the Sewards. And since this comes after the election of 1872, and thus a new administration, Alexander II gets his wish and Seward gets his Icebox.