nuclear 9/11

I can see New York getting hit, but I really don't see the Capital being hit. I mean, isn't it outright said that the Capital has some radiation detectors or something like that from the Reagan Administration being paranoid about that or something?
If AQ is in possession of two tac nukes and wants to cause maximum harm to the US government, a date might be chosen where all of the political leadership is in Washington. After he first Tuesday in October, the Congress is in session, as is the Supreme Court. The Washington bomb and the NYC bomb to be detonated as close to simultaneously as possible, with the DC bomb located between the Capitol and the White House. With the President, VP, Secretary of State and the Speaker of the House all gone, administrative control is going to be extremely problematic.

I suppose whichever general is in charge of CENTCOM or in Cheyenne Mountain will declare a state of emergency.

Once it is known that Al Queda is responsible, my guess is that the valley that Bin Laden is hiding in will shortly thereafter experience a 20,000 degree heat wave.

After that, during the ensuing world financial panic, who knows, but martial law and internment camps in the US and elsewhere seems possible.
If AQ is in possession of two tac nukes and wants to cause maximum harm to the US government, a date might be chosen where all of the political leadership is in Washington. After he first Tuesday in October, the Congress is in session, as is the Supreme Court. The Washington bomb and the NYC bomb to be detonated as close to simultaneously as possible, with the DC bomb located between the Capitol and the White House. With the President, VP, Secretary of State and the Speaker of the House all gone, administrative control is going to be extremely problematic.

I suppose whichever general is in charge of CENTCOM or in Cheyenne Mountain will declare a state of emergency.

That's what the designated survivor is for.
After that, during the ensuing world financial panic, who knows, but martial law and internment camps in the US and elsewhere seems possible.

a war economy a multi million man draft and economic controls would be put in place to prevent a Great Depression.

Forget Iraq and Afghanistan the U.S. is going to be hard occupying not soft occupying a swath of countries from Syria though Baghdad thru Tehran thru Islamabad.
this scenario has come up on here before over the years, and every time, there are those who think the US is going to toss nukes all over the Middle East, or attack every nation that had any kind of connection to the terrorists. Neither is likely. What is likely is that the US attack on Afghanistan will go on strong as it did in OTl, and other places will see 'Special Forces to the max'... every SF unit we have would be working all over, busting down doors and hunting down known AQ people. With the specter of nuclear terrorism hanging over the world, the US is likely to be a lot more 'in your face' when it comes to cooperation with them in tracking down terrorists, and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are likely to have some grim talks with US representatives...
If AQ is in possession of two tac nukes and wants to cause maximum harm to the US government, a date might be chosen where all of the political leadership is in Washington. After he first Tuesday in October, the Congress is in session, as is the Supreme Court. The Washington bomb and the NYC bomb to be detonated as close to simultaneously as possible, with the DC bomb located between the Capitol and the White House. With the President, VP, Secretary of State and the Speaker of the House all gone, administrative control is going to be extremely problematic.

I suppose whichever general is in charge of CENTCOM or in Cheyenne Mountain will declare a state of emergency.

Once it is known that Al Queda is responsible, my guess is that the valley that Bin Laden is hiding in will shortly thereafter experience a 20,000 degree heat wave.

After that, during the ensuing world financial panic, who knows, but martial law and internment camps in the US and elsewhere seems possible.

They probably wouldn't attack that day especially if they want one go at the Capitol, because security will be tight as hell on those days
this scenario has come up on here before over the years, and every time, there are those who think the US is going to toss nukes all over the Middle East, or attack every nation that had any kind of connection to the terrorists. Neither is likely. What is likely is that the US attack on Afghanistan will go on strong as it did in OTl, and other places will see 'Special Forces to the max'... every SF unit we have would be working all over, busting down doors and hunting down known AQ people. With the specter of nuclear terrorism hanging over the world, the US is likely to be a lot more 'in your face' when it comes to cooperation with them in tracking down terrorists, and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are likely to have some grim talks with US representatives...

I can't disagree with that. The US political changes will be immense. The new political leadership (probably from the heartland) will likely be extremely nationalistic and probably the mood of the country will be more isolationist and "fortress America" in its thinking.
In this TL, Bush is dead, Cheney is dead, Rummy is dead....etc.,etc.

As someone else said Bush was in Florida when the attacks happened and only returned to DC in the aftermath. He initially went to Omaha.

Also I doubt you could sneak a Container based Nuke into Manhatten or inside the DC Beltway even before the increased security that 9/11 caused. Some precautions can be presumed by observation but anyone who knows enough of the details to make an informed statement won't.
Even if they wait until Congress is in session and Bush happens to be in the White House, if they use the location suggested in front of the capitol, there is a good chance that Bush survives, since the White House is just outside of the blast zone for this weapons yield.

EDIT: Also, I should know this, but I don't: does the Secretary of Defense generally work out of the Pentagon or the Executive Building?