A New World with New Ideas - A Brazilian Timeline

I no longer like Portuguese people ;( !

Still the areas must be somewhat depopulated considering there was way more than a million non Armenians there. As for the Greeks well atleast they got Cyprus. I suspect Cypriot Turks were included in the exchange?

I quite like that plump Bulgaria but the fact Austria Hungary still exists 🀒 . What about Bulgarians in Eastern Thrace?
Just realized I put Cyprus under Greece when it was actually meant to be independent, we’ll time to update the map

Also for Bulgarians in Eastern Thrace, let me just say that I have no idea but I could see them being a point of content between the German-friendly Bulgaria which could push Turkey into the American sphere and thus push Armenia and Greece into the German sphere
Just realized I put Cyprus under Greece when it was actually meant to be independent, we’ll time to update the map

Also for Bulgarians in Eastern Thrace, let me just say that I have no idea but I could see them being a point of content between the German-friendly Bulgaria which could push Turkey into the American sphere and thus push Armenia and Greece into the German sphere
Ooh this isn’t looking too tidy for Greece then borderwise. Give them Cyprus! It’s only fair compensation for the rest they’ve lost.
Why would it push Greece and Armenia into German sphere? Greece no longer has minorities to claim, neither does Armenia. Greeces only remaining territorial claims would be the stuff Bulgaria owns which have Greeks living there, Cyprus and Northern Epirus. Armenia I suppose could want some protection from Turkey but if they’ve had a population exchange surely most grievances have been squashed. Were the Kurds included in he exchange? Correct me if I’m wrong.
Chapter LXXV - A New Society

Chapter LXXV - A New Society


With the war over and the post-war settlement made it was time to return home, well most of them, some had to remain in the occupation zones in order to enforce the results of the 5 year struggle, thereby an interesting phenomenon happened whereby young women in the occupied lands began having relations with the Brazilian soldiers there stationed, most of whom were French, Italian and Japanese with British woman preferring Canadian and American men, however even in allied country where soldiers merely passed by like Portugal and Spain women still established relationships in significant numbers with Brazilian soldiers, thereby in November of 1944 the Brazilian Parliament passed the Lei das Esposas Estrangeiras (War Brides Act) which allowed Brazilian soldiers to bring their wives back home in the New World, this policy however was met with some backlash in the occupied countries and the American found Brazilian acceptance of White-Asian marriages weird, but nonetheless the act went through and the soldiers that returned found themselves in a Brazil much different from the one they had left.

Already in 1943 Brazilian politicians where already asking themselves about what would be done about the millions of young men returning home, most of whom won’t be able to easily find jobs nor enter college, thereby on September of 1944 parliament passed a series of laws dubbed Bolsa de Veteranos (The Veteran Package) which contained many measures designed to integrate up to 7 million men back into Brazilian society, the most important of these laws would be the Lei Alberto Medicci which guaranteed single-family housing for over 1,8 million men as well as 5 million units of newly built apartments in the mordenized Brazilian cities, this starch difference between apartments and houses is by no means a coincidence as due to the government’s preference of public transport, meant hat they preferred dense urban planning over a more spread out option, another equally important law would be the Lei de Educação Nobrega Coelho which guaranteed some 4,1 million ex-soldiers entrance into college and trade-schools, other laws such as the Lei de SaΓΊde para Veteranos and the Lei do EmprΓ©stimo para Veteranos also helped the returning soldiers to adjust to their new life in a prosperous Brazil.


Brazilian soldiers after landing in SΓ£o SebastiΓ£o (1945)

All of this help in housing, healthcare and work plus the fact that all of these young men were finally returning home meant that the country was experiencing a period of untold prosperity (thanks in part for them not being bombed into oblivion), this also helped in the following phenomenon called the β€œbaby boom” whereby Brazilian couples began marrying earlier than in the pre-war times (and even during the 1920’s) and having many more babies than previously, for example by 1946 the average Brazilian woman married at the age of 19.5 and men at the age of 21.1 and had an average of 5.01 children, this was a larger baby boom than anywhere in the developed world and helped blast Brazil’s population from 76.1 million in 1940 to 90.5 million in 1950, this increase was also helped by Brazil once again relaxing its immigration restrictions and allow some 3.4 million Europeans and Asians (basically Japanese) to come to the country between 1945-1975, most of whom were Italians followed by Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Belgians, Germans and then Brits, all in all the Brazilian population was growing at a frenetic pace with no sings it it slowing down.

With the war ending and the country returning to stability, Vargas thought it would be a good time to allow a younger men to come to power and thereby he asked the King to dissolve the government, afterwards after a vote in parliament the Aliança Popular remained firm and allowed for the ascension of senator Reginaldo Ferrari Janseens as the new Brazilian PM, this was shortly followed by the 1946 Brazilian General elections where the Aliança Popular managed to win 60,1% of all seats in parliament as well as 57,3% of all seats in the senate and thereby securing their grip on all even further.

Meanwhile another trend was happening in Brazilian demographics, that of migration, with the invention of the air-conditioner in the 1920’s as well as the huge improvement in medicine, living in the hotter areas of the Brazilian northeast and north proved to be much easier and more amenable, and since the region had a much lower cost of living than in the south and southeast people from the later began migration en mass to the former, through the late 40’s, 50’s and 60’s some 5 million Brazilians migrated from the south and northwards, thus changing much of the regions socio-economical structure and soon neighborhoods like β€œNova Tieté” or β€œSΓ£o SebastiΓ£o do Norte” began appearing in major urban centers in the north, this kinda caused some tension between southerners and northerners, expecially when non-whites like Japanese and Mixed-Race people began to appear in considerable numbers, for example a 19 year old and former soldier Ricardo Garciaz and his pregnant Japanese wife Sakura Nakamura were chased out of their home in Salvador by some angry neighbors, however over time this hostility began to disperse until it became an accepted fact.

As far as foreign-policy goes the post-war Brazil was a pretty different one from the pre-war, whereas in the pre-war world Brazil willingly entered the largest war in human history over the sinking of American boats without hesitation, this post-war nation found itself uninterested in the global affairs at large, sure they were a permanent member of the Security-Council and where in theory allied to the Americans against the Germans, but in reality Brazil unlikely to pursue any sort of global ambition and instead shifted its focus from the North Atlantic into Europe and North American, into the South Atlantic aiming to build better relations with its immediate neighbors in South America and specially in the Southern Cone as well as the African Nations with the Portuguese African colonies being the main focus, this policy was dubbed Politica Independente do AtlΓ’ntico (Independent Atlantic Policy) and would be the main basis for Brazilian

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Chapter LXXVI - The New World Order

Chapter LXXVI - The New World Order

By the 1946 it had already been a whole year since the end of the 2nd World War and the world was once again changing, for starters both the US and Brazil launched a program to help the struggling economies of Europe after the conflict, dubbed the β€œEuropean Reconstruction Initiative”, the plan consisted in both nations granting large scale economic aid to the countries of Europe and while at first many more countries accepted German interference meant that aid was restricted to places occupied by the New World Giants, the aid in itself was massive at a whopping $13 Billion (equivalent to about $115 Billion) and to be distributed amongst the nations of Portugal, Spain, South France, South Italy, Britain, Ireland and Switzerland, all of this aid meant that the nations’ economies began to skyrocket as they started to rebuild after the previous devastation, however since Brazil was actively seeking to detach itself from European affairs, they would only agree to the plan after the US agree to cover 2/3 of the expenses something which slightly soured the great relationship between both nations.

In the east meanwhile the occupation of Japan was consuming quite a lot of resources and since Brazil wanted to recall its troops back home, specially after some nasty incidents of Brazilian soldiers arresting suspected ultranationalist terrorists which caused riots in the south of Japan, they decided in 1947 to hand over their occupation zone to the Americans which then fused both occupation zones into the State of Japan, a constitutional monarchy friendly to the USA, this action however was not appreciated by the Chinese who over the past years have been fighting a bloody civil-war between the Nationalists and the Communists, however by 1947 the Communists were loosing on every front and a Nationalist victory seemed inevitable, thereby the government in Nanking decided that it was once again time to dwell into foreign policy and one thing they didn’t like was having 3 American aligned nations (Korea, Japan and Vietnam) right on their border, and so, relations between both countries also began to sour.

However back in Brazil itself, the nation’s government was working on a very secret project, that of creating an atomic bomb, because you see after the bombing of Nagasaki and Kyoto the Americans had actually shared with the Brazilians on how to build such a weapon, however at the time the government had no real interest in such weapon but now that relations between Germany and the US were deteriorating, SΓ£o SebastiΓ£o thought it would be wise to build a device of their own, the project which began in 1947 took very little time to actually be completed and in 1948 the Brazilians detonated their first atomic weapon in the Northeastern SertΓ£o, and thus Brazil became the world’s third nuclear power.

But as far as the civilian government was concerned the weapon was merely a deterrent and after the exhibition they went back to what they did best, reforms, in 1947 to meet the increasing energy demand the Brazilian government created EletroBras, another state-run company however designed entirely for the purposes of making energy for the rapidly growing nation, the company however was totally separate from its sister company PetroBras and instead of oil it focused manly on two sources of energy, nuclear and hydroelectric, thereby on the 10th of February of 1948 the company announced the creation of SΓ£oJoΓ£o-1 a nuclear power plan which was to be constructed in the Aurelian city of SΓ£o JoΓ£o Del-Rey by 1950 and generate energy for the nearby metropolis of SΓ£o SebastiΓ£o, TietΓ© and Nova BraganΓ§a, the project was however controversial as many people distrusted the idea of having a power-plant that if it were ever to explode might consume the entire city on fire, however despite these protests the project went ahead, thus beginning Brazil’s fascination for nuclear energy.


SΓ£oJoΓ£o-1 the world’s first nuclear power plant (1949).

Similarly the Brazilian government also dedicated a huge amount of funds to the issue of healthcare, in order to meet their goals of providing quality healthcare for all of its citizens the government took a page from the German welfare system and on December of 1948 PM Reginaldo Janseens got a bill passed on both houses that would create a universal single-payer healthcare system, the system was nicknamed SUS (Sistema Único de SaΓΊde/Single Health System) and would begin operations in January of 1949 with a girl named Regina Batista being the first Brazilian in history to be treated by SUS’s services, soon the service became one of Brazil’s main prides as it allowed for its citizens to be able to access high-quality healthcare at any time they want.

However perhaps the most emblematic things during the late 40’s, would be the construction of a giant statue in the city of SΓ£o SebastiΓ£o to commemorate the Brazilian victory in the WW2, the project was spearheaded by the brilliant architect Alarico ArgΓΌelles and would be located in the island known as Broa do Mar[1] and since he was a very Catholic man he decided to baptize his creation as β€œCristo Redentor”(Christ the Redeemer) and would become the main symbol of the city to the point that the statue’s mere existance was already associated with Brazil’s capital and thus become Brazil’s very own Statue of Liberty.

Lastly but not least the Brazilian government began talks with the metropole about the issue of decolonization, Lisbon seeing where the winds were blowing hoped to acquire Brazilian help in their endeavors of peacefully decolonizing Africa and turning them into independent monarchies just like Brazil, to this end a huge congress was held in the Brazilian city of SΓ£o Salvador and it counted with the attendance of not only Brazilian and Portuguese delegates but also pro-independence delegates from all Portuguese colonies in the world, the congress which was held in 1948 would discuss numerous issues which included: form of government, borders, inter-economic cooperation,ect. All of this, led to the Salvador Declaration whereby Portugal committed itself to an eventual independence of its colonies over a period of 20 years in which the colonies governments and economies would be prepared for independence. This meeting, also resulted in the birth of Trans-Lusitanismo a concept whereby the Lusosphere[2] should look towards one another for political and economical integration, with the king of Portugal serving as a symbol to unite them all, a symbol which may transcend ethnic and linguistic diversity[3].


[1] OTL Pão de Áçucar
[2] The idea of a United Portuguese speaking will be very much a thing in TTL
[3] AKA the Lusosphere will have their own commonweoath
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for starters both the US and Brazil launched a program to help the struggling economies of Europe after the conflict, dubbed the β€œFumagalli Plan”after after Brazilian general Teodorico Fumagalli
however since Brazil was actively seeking to detach itself from European affairs, they would only agree to the plan after the US agree to cover 2/3 of the expenses something which slightly soured the great relationship between both nations
Only a minor nitpick but I feel like the US wouldnt accept the plan being named after a brazilian all while covering most of the expense of it
Only a minor nitpick but I feel like the US wouldnt accept the plan being named after a brazilian all while covering most of the expense of it
Well you’re absolutely right I’ve got to fix this

Also just a reminder, any sort of feedback is welcome as I’m not a very good writer, by people giving suggestions, saying if something is coherent or not or disagreeing with anything, it helps raise the TL’s quality
Chapter LXXVII - Different Times, Same Problems

Chapter LXXVII - Different Times, Same Problems


As the 1940’s rolled to a close Brazil and the United States exited it as much different nations than they had entered, no longer constrained by economical problems or foreign conflicts, both countries could just sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor and watch as time unfolds in these years of optimism, unfortunately for the rest of the world they were not Brazil or the US which basically meant that problems were nearing.

The first of these large scale problems would brew over in the Middle East, for you see, in the year of 1947 the Mandate for Palestine was over and the land was divided into an Arab state called Palestine and a Jewish State called Israel, however since the Arabs did not recognize a partition that was brought upon them by a foreign European power, they quickly banded together in order to end the fledgling Jewish state in the war of 1947, all of Israel’s neighbors with the exception of Lebanon attacked the country simultaneously and at first it looked like the Jewish experiment was to be over soon, however the Jews resisted and over the course of time began pushing the Arabs out of the lands thanks to German material support as well as the influx of Ashkenazi Jews from Europe whose incoming helped expand Israel’s Armed Forces, by 1948 they had a really driven the Arabs from all of their original territories and soon after went on to conquer the remainder of Palestine even conquering places such as Gaza and most important of all Jerusalem[1], the Arabs with no other option sued for peace and at the end of the struggle had not only secured their independence but had expanded in the process, the Arab States on the other hand were faced with humiliation and a refugee crisis of Palestinian Arabs who either fled or were forcefully expelled from the enlarged Israel, the conflict also helped strengthen the German-Israeli alliance and grant Berlin a permanent base of operations in the Middle East.


Israeli tanks during its Independence War (1947)

As a response American embassy doors began making trips to the Middle East in order to strengthen cooperation with the Arab World, the Brazilians were also a big tool in this as they could leverage their huge Arab population in order to spread the message towards Syria and Lebanon (from where the overwhelming majority of Arab-Brazilians came from), however the Brazilians soon notified Washington that this was a one time thing and they didn't intend on intervening in Middle-Eastern affairs, thus the Americans were forced to from this point on to go alone in their endeavor however they were pretty successful in it and soon both Egypt and Syria drifted into the American sphere of influence, after that the Americans started supplying the Syrians and Egyptians with weapons and also began training both nations’ armies in order to prepare for a future clash with Israel.

Yet another region bubbling with tension was the Indian subcontinent, the subcontinent itself was divided between two rival powers, the Republic of Free India (or India for short) and the State of Dravidia. Firstly let’s talk about India, the country was formed in the wake of the Fascist rise to power in Britain whereby after the event, British troops retreated to the more loyalist south as members of the Indian National Congress proclaimed a independent republic in the north, however the country throughout its first years struggled as years of colonialism hadn’t allowed for the Indian industry to develop, thus India was born as a very rural and underdeveloped nation with few friends in the international stage, however with the rise of the Indian Communist Party to both the Presidency and Premiership in 1940 things began to change, the country sought to emulate industry by taking a page out of Brazil’s book and implementing the principles of Trabalismo in India and throughout the late 1940’s had began to try and develop their own native industry whilst simultaneously trying to secularize the country and increase worker’s rights, however even after these years they never abandoned their claim to the south and hoped to one day β€œliberate” it from the British. Meanwhile by the south stood Dravidia, the country was formed as the Dominion if Dravidia after the British retreat to the south and as the 2nd World War commenced the British realized that they would need Indian manpower to win the struggle, in order to incentivize them to help the British promised a referendum upon the issue of independence after the war in case the Dravidians helped reclaim Great Britain, after this was all said and done the referendum took place and the Dravidians voted to form an independent republic on March of 1945, however even after this the country still had good relations with Britain and the US something which they deem indispensable in order to ward of attacks from the north.

However, the place whereby the Cold War would really take effect would be in Africa as by 1950 the UN finally released all of its mandates as independent countries with old colonial borders being redrawn, however keep in mind these new borders were far from perfect and ethnic and religious conflicts would still plague the continent for the rest of the century, this unstable scenario was perfect for both the Americans and Germans to extend their influence overseas and into the cradle of humanity, thereby as soon as the new countries were formed was were fought between themselves and thus they began to pick sides in this divided world, however one region of Africa that was pretty stable would be its south as there Portugal, Germany and South Africa laid. In Portugal’s case, since the Congress of SΓ£o Salvador they had been working with the natives in order to grant them independence and thus the region was devoid of the conflicts of Africa as the people there preferred to work with their overlords in order to achieve a bloodless independence. As for Germany the region their colony in Namibia was at peace was for a much different reason; after WW1 German settlers began moving to Namibia in order to escape the economical misfortunes of the fatherland during the early 1920’s and thus the German population of Namibia skyrocketed and even during the Great Depression settlers were still coming in large numbers, this settlement of the region made the settlers come into conflict with the Ovambo people who lived in the center-north of the colony, what followed was the Namibian Bush War as the settlers fought against the natives for control of the colony, but even after other tribes such as the Herero and Namaqua joined against the Germans, they were ultimately defeated and their numbers dwindled as many tpeither died, starved or resettled in Portuguese Angola, the end of WW2 in Europe brought even more settlers to the region and by 1950 the colony was overwhelmingly German. South Africa meanwhile had quite a different approach to its natives than Germany, with the United Party’s victory[2] in the 1948 election the government of Jan Smuts began a gradual process of enfranchisement of the Black, Colored and Indian populations of the country, thus by slowing desegregating itself the government sought to avoid conflicts between the white minority and the rest of the country.

Thus as we can see in the 1940’s alone the world was already experiencing destabilization and chaos as two countries tried to expand their spheres of influence whilst simultaneously containing the other, as a result millions will die or suffer from these actions, it really makes you think that it was smart for Brazil to be out


[1] In OTL the Israelis receive limited support from Czechoslovakia and France during the 1948 war, here due to an even bigger influx of Ashkenazi Jews and full German support the Israelis are able to win the war more decisively
[2] In OTL the United Party lost the election to the National Party and thus South Africa was put on the road to Apartheid, but not here, here the United Party managed to win
Ok I’ve got some bad news, the app I used to make all my maps crashed and I needed to uninstall it and install it again, problem being that I lost all of my maps so I will have to make them from scratch, it will be a while before I can post a world map again