Pop-culture in TL-191

  • Thread starter Deleted member 82792
  • Start date

If this show exists in 191 it will be massively different.
Col Hogan will still be the smooth-talking Col spy. pretending to be a USA POW
but ofcourse klink, and shultz will be Condeferates this time
Lebaeu, the French would be replaced with a Quebcai volunteer
Newkirk, he would be a German Sailor captured by the CSA and brought to the Camp
Carter he will stay the same too
But for Kinchloe, I think his character would be a Chinese American
Would there still be the Good Confederate character like Sergeant Schultz in Pop Culture Media?

I do wonder if King of the Hill will ever exist, and if Texas remains an independent state (though under the influence of the USA)
Funny thing, before I realised this thread existed I posted exactly that in the "Photos from Featherston's Confederacy" page XD

On the anime subject, TV Tropes had an interesting theory that post-war, nuked-to-hell Britain becomes basically the equivalent of Japan in terms of cinema, with its own versions of Godzilla ("Grendel", about a dragon from the sea that attacks London) and Seven Samurai ("The Seven Paladins", about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table), and mentions that William Hartnell (the First Doctor) starred in both. I can see the UK being the producer of Timeline-191's version of anime too. Though I wonder what it would be called...
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Funny thing, before I realised this thread existed I posted exactly that in the "Photos from Featherston's Confederacy" page XD

On the anime subject, TV Tropes had an interesting theory that post-war, nuked-to-hell Britain becomes basically the equivalent of Japan in terms of cinema, with its own versions of Godzilla ("Grendel", about a dragon from the sea that attacks London) and Seven Samurai ("The Seven Paladins", about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table), and mentions that William Hartnell (the First Doctor) starred in both. I can see the UK being the producer of Timeline-191's version of anime too. Though I wonder what it would be called...
I doubt Britain would make their own animes, the origins of anime were due to many Americans stationed in Japan brought with them american comic books, and many of the youngsters that got their hands on them, started to make their own stories.
I doubt Britain would make their own animes, the origins of anime were due to many Americans stationed in Japan brought with them american comic books, and many of the youngsters that got their hands on them, started to make their own stories.
Britain would had a Super Robot Genre Series like Brave series or in TL-191 Brave Knight series like Gaogaigar if theres a british version of that in TL-191.
I doubt Britain would make their own animes, the origins of anime were due to many Americans stationed in Japan brought with them american comic books, and many of the youngsters that got their hands on them, started to make their own stories.
Hmm, perhaps the equivalent would be German or even US troops occupying the UK post-war and bringing their sensibilities with them?
What would TL-191 Wolfenstein be like? I already posted over in the Photos thread, about how it's instead "Loup-Rocher", my shitty machine translated French version of "Wolf-stone", which Wolfenstein translates to-- the castle is instead a Louisiana plantation house used as a prison by the Confederates during the SGW. BJ Blazkowicz is replaced by Joseph Stallion, a character I plucked from the Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus "Freedom Chronicles" DLC. It seemed appropriate, since BJ was a Polish Jew killing Nazis who wanted to exterminate his kind; Joe is literally that but for blacks and Confederates.

I also came up with some in-universe jargon in my other post-- "Third-D" for "3D" and "inter-game" (short for "interactive game") for "video game". Loup-Rocher Third-D was the initial effort by John Carmack and the in-this-timeline Mexican Juan Romero, and presumably had Mecha-Featherston as its final boss and had a more mystical-themed expansion akin to Spear of Destiny. The equivalent to Return to Castle Wolfenstein might have instead had a plot about the Confederate Paranormal Division trying to revive Robert E. Lee as some kind of supernatural god-king. But it would get really interesting once we reach the equivalent game to The New Order...I wonder what characters like Caroline Becker, Deathshead, Frau Engel, etc would look like in TL-191.
What would TL-191 Wolfenstein be like? I already posted over in the Photos thread, about how it's instead "Loup-Rocher", my shitty machine translated French version of "Wolf-stone", which Wolfenstein translates to-- the castle is instead a Louisiana plantation house used as a prison by the Confederates during the SGW. BJ Blazkowicz is replaced by Joseph Stallion, a character I plucked from the Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus "Freedom Chronicles" DLC. It seemed appropriate, since BJ was a Polish Jew killing Nazis who wanted to exterminate his kind; Joe is literally that but for blacks and Confederates.

I also came up with some in-universe jargon in my other post-- "Third-D" for "3D" and "inter-game" (short for "interactive game") for "video game". Loup-Rocher Third-D was the initial effort by John Carmack and the in-this-timeline Mexican Juan Romero, and presumably had Mecha-Featherston as its final boss and had a more mystical-themed expansion akin to Spear of Destiny. The equivalent to Return to Castle Wolfenstein might have instead had a plot about the Confederate Paranormal Division trying to revive Robert E. Lee as some kind of supernatural god-king. But it would get really interesting once we reach the equivalent game to The New Order...I wonder what characters like Caroline Becker, Deathshead, Frau Engel, etc would look like in TL-191.
Mecha-Featherston had his iconic quote Die Yankee Pigdog!!! as an equivalent to that Iconic quote to Mecha-Hitler Die Allied Schweinhund!!!

A screenshot from the popular Web-series known as Checkmate Lincolnites, made by the Youtube Channel known as Atun-Shei Films, which series is revolved around dispelling myths about the Confederacy as propagated by Neo-Confederates (and Neo-Freedomites) from the War of Secession to the Second Great War. The two principal characters are named Billy Yank and Johnny Reb respectively (though in the SGW-themed episodes, there is a character named Freedomite Freedie who sometimes shows up and even Johnny Reb despises), which all are played by the channel's owner named Anthony Rakich.

A screenshot from the popular Web-series known as Checkmate Lincolnites, made by the Youtube Channel known as Atun-Shei Films, which series is revolved around dispelling myths about the Confederacy as propagated by Neo-Confederates (and Neo-Freedomites) from the War of Secession to the Second Great War. The two principal characters are named Billy Yank and Johnny Reb respectively (though in the SGW-themed episodes, there is a character named Freedomite Freedie who sometimes shows up and even Johnny Reb despises), which all are played by the channel's owner named Anthony Rakich.
Oh, hell yeah!
I take that Freedomite Freddie is the TL-191 version of that Nazi character.

A screenshot from the popular Web-series known as Checkmate Lincolnites, made by the Youtube Channel known as Atun-Shei Films, which series is revolved around dispelling myths about the Confederacy as propagated by Neo-Confederates (and Neo-Freedomites) from the War of Secession to the Second Great War. The two principal characters are named Billy Yank and Johnny Reb respectively (though in the SGW-themed episodes, there is a character named Freedomite Freedie who sometimes shows up and even Johnny Reb despises), which all are played by the channel's owner named Anthony Rakich.
Reading this gave me an idea.


Poster for the 2003 movie: Gods and Generals

Based on the novel of the same name, Gods and Generals is a movie about the life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. The first half was Stonewall's career before the events of the Battle of Camp Hill (of which the first half served as the prequel to the 1993 movie: Camp Hill [1]). The second half is of Stonewall's career in the Second Mexican War.

The movie was criticized for its slow pace and glorifying Stonewall, Slavery, and the pre-Freedomite Confederacy. One of its critics was Anthony Rakich.

1. TL-191 version of Gettysburg (1993).
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