Too tired to make my original idea work, so have another one I cooked up! In my Power Without Knowledge verse, City on a Hill! holds pride of place as the first true work of Antarctic literature, published in 2080 by an anonymous American exile under the pseudonym Fabian Palmer. Functionally similar to Reds!, the novel is a mix of prose and epistolary uchronia, describing a slightly different history of the 21st century that lessens the Shatter of the big three American parties and in the process leads to a stronger Commonwealth Party able to turn the coup against their 2060 electoral victory into a successful Cosmicist Revolution, eventually culminating in the birth of the United Commonwealths of Columbia. Here's the state of the Seventh Party System just before the final American election:
  • The Radical Reform Party was forged by Pat Buchanan during his second term, having fully purged the Nader and Perot wings from the Reform Party and absorbed large swathes of the Republican and Libertarian parties in the wake of an even less successful War on Terror. The party of right wing reaction and militant anticommunism, the party has occasionally held the Senate in the past forty years, but has never won the White House with the popular vote. The Radical color is gold and their symbol is an eagle. Major factions: neoconservative, Laroucheite, Objectivist. Paramilitary: Myrmidon Militia/Minutemen.
  • The New Democratic Party is centrism made flesh, bolstered by "compassionate conservatives" cast off from the Republicans and Perotist Reformers. Demographic shifts and escalating climate change have delivered them a recurring slim if comfortable lock on the House and every time they've lost the White House but won the popular vote rest assured they're always magnanimous in defeat. The NDP retain Democratic blue but extended an olive branch to the reasonable Republicans and traded in the donkey for a tapir as a middle ground. Major factions: neoliberal, conservative, radical centrist. Paramilitary: PMCs (too lukewarm for motivated partisan street fighters).
  • The Commonwealth Party* was organized around a core formed by the Citizens Party (itself having butterflied the Democratic Socialists of America and the Green Party), bolstered by an influx of progressive Democrats, Nader Reformers, and the Manifest Destiny! Party (after they managed to purge the white nationalists, black separatists, and ethnocacerists). The Commonwealthers are organized around the principles of neopopulism, bringing together an emphasis on syndicalism, intersectional social democracy, environmentalism and political devolution. Their color is purple and they use a bee as an electoral symbol. Major factions: neopopulist, Left Regressive, councilist, distributist, Cosmicist. Paramilitary: Bonus Army (Cosmicist-dominated).

*In PWN proper the Commonwealth Party used teal, but the lack of a Shatter leaves purple on the table and creates more thematic resonance with the burgundy of the Cosmicist faction that will eventually become the dominant face of the party and the new regime.
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Here's one that spun out of an idea I've had for awhile where Robert A. Heinlein became involved in politics, since he was involved in the EPiC campaign, his OTL unpublished novel For Us, the Living presented a more libertarian form of Social Credit Theory, and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress and Stranger In A Strange Land were highly influential formative influences on the libertarian and hippy movements. The POD is the election of Upton Sinclair as Governor of California in 1934 and the National Recovery Administration getting extended in 1935 instead of being struck down by the Supreme Court, strengthening the New Deal Coalition and resulting in its opponents coalescing into a new party.


The National Recovery Alliance began as an electoral fusion of the overwhelmingly dominant Democratic Party, the Farmer-Labor Party, the Nonpartisan League and eventually the Socialist Party of America, though in practice if not in fact this fusion has led to the defacto creation of a new party. The party of labor, farmers, big government and a cultural policy of the status quo, the NRA cemented itself as an integral half of the new Fifth Party System with its transformative response to the Great Depression and successful prosecution of the Second World War and the postwar reconstruction under FDR and his successor Henry Wallace. Advocating a lighter hand with the Comintern, the nature of the party as a big tent, multiple-tendency socialist party (complete with a thriving Christian Socialist wing), has had a tangible effect on the Eastern Bloc through the demonstration of a thriving alternative to Marxist-Leninism and is even credited in some circles with influencing the liberal domestic reforms enacted by Secretary General Molotov after the 1941 death of Stalin. The symbol of the party is the Blue Eagle emblem inherited from the original National Recovery Administration.


The American Liberty League began as a conservative anti-New Deal and business-friendly group of conservative Democrats, though it would expand through the absorption of the shattered and discredited remnants of the Republican Party in the wake of sixteen years of Roosevelt and another four of Wallace. Though the party's fiscal conservativism and emphasis on private property has remained a constant, their original foundation on individual liberty has shifted the party drastically on cultural matters under the party leadership of Robert Heinlein. Shaped by his leadership, the modern party advocates for stricter control of banking and credit, the replacement of the New Deal welfare state with a basic income, a set of constitutional amendments and federal laws* to limit the size and scope of government, and extreme cultural libertinism and individual freedom of choice, though that last occasionally puts them at odds with their traditional alliance with the culturally conservative United States of Europe. The ALL uses a golden Liberty Bell as its central symbol.


The American Independent Party is a regional party of the Deep South formed after an exodus of conservative southern Democrats fused with William Dudley Pelley's Christian Party. Organized around an extremely reactionary cultural conservatism grounded on spurious arguments of "states' rights", an openness to big government aimed at the white majority, and a Christian regional nationalism bordering on neointegralism, the AIP has long been an electoral pariah only buoyed by their outsized representation in the Senate. The elimination of the filibuster by an incredibly frustrated NRA and ALL even took that away in the late sixties in the wake of the Southern Troubles, with the party becoming even more extreme as its influence has waned under a string of legal setbacks, heavy FBI infiltration and a concerted effort by the two major parties to crack the Solid South. Traditionally isolationist, the AIP has a gigantic carve out for South Africa and (paradoxically) the United Arab States, and traditionally uses neoconfederate symbolism.

*Aside from an amendment to replace the Federal Reserve with a proper Bank of the United States with control over the credit supply, there are also proposals to change the legal definition of "harm" when considering standing in federal courts and enshrine principles of bodily autonomy in the Constitution. A proposal to raise the threshold required to pass federal laws and lower the one to repeal them was eventually discarded when it became clear that it would be monopolized by the AIP.
Here's a rougher idea that occurred to me this morning and has been living rent free all day, born of my general love of crafting weird politics informed by social science fiction 😂 Here's a "party" system with fussy engineers on one side and counterculture science fiction writers on the other.


In a world... where Technocracy Incorporated threw itself fully into the New Deal, discarded it's OTL opposition to electoralism, and rapidly expanded with the proliferation of new government agencies and massive changes to industrial policy, the legacy political parties have become a mere formality, with actual policy set by Technocracy-aligned unions, think tanks, and government bureaucrats. Still, not everything is running smoothly in a Technocratic America, where the movement's radical attitude towards industrial policy has become passe and is matched with a seemingly equal disinterest in cultural matters and worrying caution with the Space Race. Kennedy's New Frontier demands something more, and the RAND Corporation is here to meet the need. A think tank of writers, rebels and radical futurists, RAND wants to see America spread herself throughout the solar system, crushing the commies under heel as her people are free to rebel against the drab conformity of Technocracy, Inc and moralistic prewar cultural inertia. A more expensive technocracy for a more expansive age!

I'm suddenly obsessed with an idea I'll have to tinker with where green parties are conservative (as in the linked post that opens my syllabus thread), I might use it to revamp my "hippo bill passes" scenario 🤔
Student: George Foles (Class 2019)
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Course Materials for Hist 511- Ecological Parties and Politics in America and Europe

Professor J. Stein
The intention of this course is to study how Ecological politics have affected the landscape in the United States, Canada, and Europe. We will begin by studying the thinkers and theorists who came up with most important aspects of Ecological thought, namely the population theories of Malthus and Ehrlich and the "Harsh Climates, Strong Men" theories of Frank Herbert. We will continue by researching why the political Right ended up championing this cause, and how leftists and liberals responded to theories of Global Warming and Overpopulation. Finally, we will discuss how Ecological and Population theories shaped the domestic and foreign policies of the Reagan and Vander Jagt administrations, with a focus on the Birthrate Crisis of the 80's domestically and the Great East Africa Famines of 1983 and 1993, the Settler Wars in Southern Afrika, and the Subcontinental War.

II. Reading materials
An Essay on the Principle of Population- Thomas Malthus
Theodore Roosevelt and the Beginnings of Conservative Conservationism- John Byrnes
Silent Spring- Rachel Carson
Dune- Frank Herbert
The Population Bomb- Paul R. Ehrlich
Victory Over the Sun: How Tony Mazzocchi Fought for a Better Green Politics- Connor Kilpatrick
Nixonland: The Wild 4-Year Term of Richard Nixon- Rick Perlstein
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72- Hunter S. Thompson
Green Libertarianism- Barry Goldwater
WaPo Editorial: "Building a Clean Environment", by Ronald Reagan (1/13/1976)
My Wild Campaign Ride- Frank Herbert
Vanguard of Civilization: America's Role in Oranj Frei Staat, The Cape, Angola, Mozambique, Tswanalandt, and the Rhodesias- John Bolton
The Ecology Party Manifesto for the 1981 Election- Tony Whittaker and Edward Goldsmith
The OVP, The Greens, and the Battle for the Soul of Green Politics- Ralph Nader
Wanderer: David Icke, Ecology, the Liberals, and the UK's 8th Party System- Owen Jones
Famine- Charles Dolan
Wildman: The Two Careers of David Attenborough- Nick Hornby
Reason Magazine Special Issue: BIRTHRATE CRISIS (1985)
Approaches to Population Control- John H. Tanton
To The Children I Can Never Have- Ta-Neishi Coates
The Scorching of the Subcontinent- Pankaj Mishra
The Republican Party Platform 1992- Various
Malthus, Reagan, and Icke: The Greenwashing of Genocide- Michael Ignatieff
Open Air Prisons: Life in the "Reservations" of Southern Africa- Steven Pienaar
LIARS!: How the Right Uses Sham "Global Warming" Science to Attack the Working Man- Steve Bannon

III. Lecture Schedule
Lectures shall be from 10:00-12:00 AM Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9/25-1/15, with the exception of Thanksgiving Week and Winter Vacation. Office hours shall be the same days from 3:00-6:00 PM.

IV. Grading
Attendance- 10%
Quizzes- 25%
Essays- 25%
Final Exam- 40%
I'm suddenly obsessed with an idea I'll have to tinker with where green parties are conservative (as in the linked post that opens my syllabus thread), I might use it to revamp my "hippo bill passes" scenario 🤔
I'd imagine such a party to extend right-populism's immigrants-bashing tendencies to a target OTL's racists don't think about very much: Intranational migrants. Why stop at building a wall on the Arizona-Mexico border when you can build another one at the Arizona-Utah border?

Especially if they want to be Malthusian about it – then they can't be natalist, no Quiverfull types in that TL, so if they want to position themselves as the party of "family values" they have to focus on pre-existing families. You'd see less "think of the children" and more "extended families stronk" – less of OTL's homophobia, less pro-life and anti-contraception ideas, more ideas like making it hard for people to move to the other end of the country, closing down for-profit childcare and nursing homes, raising the age of maturity to 25 etc.
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Slightly inspired by the previous discussion on green conservatism, have this little thing I whipped up real quick:

An Eco-Technic Revolution

The United States has taken on a more strange political system in the recent years. The 1970s were a period of political turmoil. Amongst all the chaos, a new political movement was brewing. Alongside the rivers of the Pacific Northwest and in the basements of IBM, the ideas of environmentalism and the potential of the computer age found itself intertwined. The political ramification wouldn't be fully realized until the 2000s​

  • The Progressive - Green Party (PGP) (#46d0a5) -
    "I have always been fascinated with those who try to look over the horizon and see things that are coming at us." - Al Gore
    The result of the Eco-Technic Revolution. The Progressive - Green Party is pro-protecting the environment and pro-technology! Fixing the Ozone Layer and Preventing Climate Change through solar panels and carbon capture! The Majority position are for environmental protections and usually technology to support those protections. Tends towards the social democracy-democratic socialist in most other endeavors. Cross-country high speed rail and the National Energy Act were passed during the Gates Administration. The minority positions of the party include things like DIBYology (biohacking), Digital libertarianism (freeware, shareware, open-source technology), and transhumanism, and vaxxine skeptism.
    Major politicians are President Al Gore, Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, Former Vice President Ralph Nader, Former President Bill Gates, Minnesota Senator Jesse Ventura, Vermont Governor Bernie Sanders, Wisconsin Representative Joshua E. Sawyer, and Vice President Steve Beshear.
  • The Democratic Party (#ebab58) -
    "We go to the Moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard!" - John F. Kennedy
    The Democratic Party has become defined by two specific policies, Welfare State and the Space Race. More willing to let the environment slipby in favour of space stations and lunar colonies. The future of humanity is in the stars! The Democratic Party has increasingly become the party of the centre. Usually supplies support for the Progressive - Green's technological laws and the Republican's on more economic issues. Socially, they're all over the board. Supported same-sex civil unions, but not marriage. More supportive of immigration, but only in certain circumstances. The robust American Welfare state owes it almost entirely to the Democratic Party. Passed during the presidential administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George Wallace. Despite it all, the Southern Strategy did not take the entire conservative wing. The Democratic Party is the only major party that still supports Coal and Oil over green energy initatives. Thought there is support for nuclear energy in the party. Can be a bit censorship happy in their bills covering television and the Internet.
    Major politicans are Former Vice President Bill Clinton, Former President George Wallace, Senator Barack Obama, Governor of Kentucky Alison Grimes, Secretary of State John Kerry, and West Virginia Representative Earl Ray Tomblin.
  • The Republican Party (#2897d0) -
    "The extermination of the buffalo has been a veritable tragedy of the animal world." - Theodore Roosevelt
    The 1970s caused the Republicans to clean house in the party. What came of it was a "return" to the traditional Republican Party, at least in some ways. They kept the Nixon era EPA, support for America's Welfare State, and cross-country high speed rail. They began for a bigger push and rejuvination of the National Parks System. Slowly started trading oil for solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear in the 1980s. Socially conservative on most issues. While not the most powerful of the big three political parties, they do get much of their agenda passed thanks to either Democratic or Progressive - Green support.
    Major politicans of the party include Former President George Bush, Former California Governor Ronald Reagan, Former Secretary of the Interior Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Secretary of Defense John McCain, Former Vice President Colin Powell, Former Governor John B. Anderson, and Secretary of Commerce Bill Weld.​
Here's a(n alternate) future American party system I've had on my mind for a long time.
  • The Progressive Party dominates the Midwest and the South, and is the party of hippies and unionmen alike. It's most defined by its firm social democratic and pro-environmentalist stances, though it's also stolidly socially progressive aside from transhumanism. It prefers an interventionist approach, tightly regulating businesses to ensure affirmative action quotas, environmental safeguards, and other protections are upheld. This paternalism also leads some members to oppose transhumanism on the basis it interferes with human dignity, though others support it wholeheartedly.
  • The Advance Party's heartlands are in the Rockies and New England. It prefers a form of technocratic libertarianism supported by a UBI, and generally has liberal social policies based on their policy of anti-government-interference, though there are a few socially-conservative Advancers. With regards to transhumanism, they, like the Progressives, are split between opposing and supporting camps.
  • The Patriotic Labour Party is the distant third wheel in this arrangement, with the only state they consistently win being West Virginia, though they do often win others throughout the Appalachians-Ozark region. Combining extreme social conservatism with economic policies further left than the Progressives, they're frequently dismissed as kooks, and they do appear to be fading out...
What if the Civil War went on longer and the U.S. went bankrupt in 1869?

National Union (Gold Party)
In the midst of the Rebellion, when Abraham Lincoln ran for a second term, he created a unity ticket with Johnson and other former Democrats who realized that the Democracy was lost. This was the start of the National Union Party. However, this move to the center provoked Fremont types into splitting from the party as Liberal Republicans. These battle lines hardened as the war against rebel guerrillas in the south dragged on and the Lincoln administration continued printing money to fund the war effort. In 1869, the United States experienced its first declared bankruptcy, which shaped National Union doctrine as Liberal Republicans walked out of the party and industrial Caesars filled Grant's war chest with gold. Today (1888), the National Union consists of a factional coalition built around sound, gold-backed money, tariffs, and nativism. It is dominant in New England, Pennsylvania, the Upper Midwest, and the border states-- this Gold Wall has prevented disastrous Liberal Republican victories in all elections since 1876. The National Union nominated President Conkling for reelection, despite his scandals, but he dropped Edmunds from the vice presidency in favor of Stevenson, a rising star from Illinois.

Goldbricks: the stalwart old guard of the party. Consists of a mixture of Union generals, robber barons, the "respectable sorts," and nativists. So many nativists. They support the gold standard, low taxes balanced with high tariffs, and low federal spending. They want to continue Reconstruction, but limit immigration. The Grant wing of the party.

Bourbon Unionists: the southern wing of the party. Consists of a mixture of planters, old Unionists, and the political class established in Reconstruction. Wants to retain the gains of Reconstruction while adhering to a rigidly conservative economic policy. The Booker T. Washington wing of the party.

- Winkies: the "little unionist" bosses in cities and their clients. These are the supporters of local patronage and the spoils system, whose "honest graft" makes them an uneasy ally to the respectable Goldbricks. They tend to be "old stock" Americans or more respected immigrants, like Germans and Norwegians. The Conkling wing of the party.

Tin Men: the industrial wing of the party, named after tin workers who benefited from protective tariffs. This group fears wage decreases above all, and supports high tariffs and anti-immigration policies. Critics call their policies, such as blacklining and Chinese Exclusion, heartless.

Liberal Republicans (Silver Party or Republican Party)
During the War Between the States, Lincoln threw in his lot with Johnson, betraying the principles of the Republican Party. His moderation continued even in his moment of triumph: after the Southern armies disbanded, Lincoln moderated on the Reconstruction policies that Colfax, Sumner, and Trumbull demanded in Congress and Greely promoted in the press. Then, after the Panic of 1869, the Grant administration adopted a confiscatory monitary policy, futher impoverishing farmers and the South. In 1872, the remnants of the Democracy joined an ascendant Liberal Republican wave-- and narrowly lost the election. Still, the Republican coalition has held together since then, although it is an ecclectic blend. It dominates the South, West Coast, and major cities. This time, the Republic dragged John C. Fremont out of retirement, along with James C. Carter to balance the ticket with a Mugwump and court Northeastern and Midwestern votes.

Tribunicians/Greelyites: the original Liberal Republicans. This group favors agrarianism, socialism, women's suffrage, and radical Reconstruction. However, they are too few and too radical to command the whole party's loyalty, and mostly control major cities. They are in an uneasy alliance with the political machines to compete with the Winkies, which damages their popularity. They are also the most pro-immigration Republicans. The Reid wing of the party.

- Silverbacks: the former Southern Democrats. This group consists of working-class white southerners, but also poorer freedmen. They support silver coinage, low tariffs, and public works. This group's opinions on prohibiton vary. It also opposes immigration and (frequently) Catholicism. The Mahone Readjuster wing of the party.

Mugwumps: former National Union supporters who joined the Republic out of frustration with National Union corruption. They tend to be moderate on issues of Reconstruction, tariffs, and public works, and support bimetallism instead of free silver. This group is most prominent in National Union-dominated areas. The Teller wing of the party.

Scarecrows: the agrarian wing of the party. This group favors free silver and public works, but its support for Reconstruction varies, and many believe that most of the work has been done. They are the most pro-prohibition Republicans. This wing is a refuge for cranks to the point where its opponents call it brainless, and has official opinions regarding the End of Days. The Donnelly wing of the party.

- Grizzlies: the West Cost wing of the Republican Party. This group is most politically similar to the Tribunicians, but unlike the pro-immigration Greelyites in the east, it opposes immigration and supports Chinese Exclusion. It also supports prohibition. The Fremont wing of the party.

Greenback Alliance
This group consists of an alliance of the Populist, Socialist, Socialist Workers,' and Broad Gague Prohibition (favoring amendments for women's suffrage, prohibition, and 1 term term limits) parties. It emerged from the Greenback movement, and demands radical solutions to the impoverishment of rural America. The Topeka Platfrom demands fiat currency, a national bank, nationalization of infrastructure, federal public works, a minimum wage, women's suffrage, and secret ballots. In 1888, it stands to dominate the Western plains and force an electoral college deadlock with Tom Watson (P) and Charles E. Bently (Pr) on the fusion ticket. It's leaders are prepared to organize a general strike of farmers and workers to convince Congress to make a compromise favorable to them, giving the Populists a wicked reputation with the ruling classes. If the Greenbacks don't sweep the heartland, their unsteady coalition could melt away.
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No Lions (or tigers or bears, oh my)?
May be in other countries, but with there being precious little wild tigers or lions in continental US, I can't see that animals gaining much traction in the political landscape.

However, I can imagine a political battle between the Black Bear Fraction of the Californian branch of the Ruling Party(tm) and the White Bear Fraction of its Alaskan branch.
Based on @Born in the USSA's musings about a Joseph Smith presidential run earlier in the thread:
  • The American People's Party evolved from the early American (a.k.a. Know-Nothing) Party during the Progressive Era. Combining white supremacy and anti-Catholicism (though these have been abandoned/downplayed in modern times) with progressive causes such as women's suffrage, eugenics, and Prohibition, the party stands for Christian morality, an isolationist foreign policy, and the legacy of Long-era corporatism.
  • The Radical Party, as the name implies, evolved from the Radical Republicans, and combines a laissez-faire economic policy with generally left-wing social views, a strong central government, and a penchant for foreign adventures. It, along with the APP, forms one of the two major parties of the Union.
  • The Yeomen's Party is founded on libertarianism, though it tends to have it out for big business and promotes a secular version of distributism. Liberal on social issues, other major planks include strict environmentalism, decentralisation of government, and agrarian-sympathetic policies.
  • The Christian Democratic Party started as a Mormon interests party, but quickly attracted Catholics sidelined by nativist sentiment and freedmen, due to the party's strong abolitionist leanings. Generally it's firmly socially conservative, with the exception of historical anti-slavery and pro-civil rights stances, but centre-left economically. The Mormon wing of the party tends to be more right-leaning than the Catholic and Black wings, and this has lead to some division, though nowhere the turmoil of the 1920s, where the party almost split in two over Prohibition.
Here's another fun one based on a TL where Fred Hampton gets assassinated later:

The National Union Party is the personal beast of president Nixon, originally a Republican Party renamed to absorb the Democrats alienated by a surge of leftist radicalism in a bid to hearken back to Lincoln. Then he refused to step down after being successfully impeached and convicted. Womp womp.

The Rainbow Coalition has suffered a defeat in recent years. Originally built in opposition to the Nixonite consensus the Coalition saw member parties split away when it was accused of not acting quickly enough to depose the president after his failure to submit to his impeachment. Having made great inroads with Latinos the party is now dominant in California, Texas and the western Sunbelt.

The America Independent Party has been fully taken over by the Young Patriots Organization following their break with the Rainbow Coalition and has been able to effectively seize power in the Deep South west of Texas.

The Revolutionary Communist Party is another Coalition splinter group, one advocating an American strain of Maoism. Starting in Portland the RCP has gradually expanded west, seizing on the political disarray to have a presence as far east as Minnesota.
If anyone can't guess that's as close as I can get to mapping Civil War to actual politics. I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit even if the lack of reference to actual modern political realities disappointed me. Still a good "modern civil wars are terrible" movie though even if it doesn't truck with what an actual modern Second Civil War would look like.