armenian genocide

  1. Lexyflop

    Prevent The WW1 era genocides within the Ottoman Empire

    Been reading a a bit about Ottoman history recently, and was wondering if there are any realistic PODs that would prevent the genocides and ethnic violence that occurred in the moiety during WW1? EG Armenian, Assyrian genocides. Obviously there probably isn’t just one simple POD but i’d be...
  2. What if Armenia was Muslim Today?

    What if Armenia was converted into a Muslim country in the past and persisted as a Muslim nation into the present day? Would the Armenian Genocide still have occurred? How could this have affected history, culture, demographics, languages, international relations, politics, religious matters...
  3. bloohued

    An Early End to the Young Turks

    As part of a timeline I'm working on, the Armenian genocide is less severe. Originally, I wanted to leave it as a case of luck, but felt it wasn't a concrete enough reason and eventually settled on the Young Turks being ousted in 1916 after the full extent of the Ottomans' ethnic cleansing comes...
  4. Armenian Circassia in a CP victory

    Is it plausible that in a CP victory scenario, the Ottomans deport the Armenians north to Russia (A la Circassian gendocide but reverse) how mcuh of the Armenian population would survive etc
  5. Oba Cahokia

    If the Ottomans lost all their European holdings including Western Constantinople to Bulgaria how would this affect the Armenian Genocide?

    I'm making a timeline and I'm not sure how the Ottomans would react or what they would to the Armenians. I'm trying to avoid thr Armenian genocide possibly get a Armenian state after WW1 in Central Powers timeline.
  6. Ryker of Terra

    WI: Turkey crushes Armenia = larger/worse Armenian genocide?

    On the Wikipedia page about the Turkish-Armenian War, I read this little paragraph: Apparently, the Turks would have gotten to Armenia eventually and the only thing that stopped them was the Soviets rolling in and taking over. But what if they hadn't? Let's assume that the Southern Front goes...
  7. Ottoman Empire joins WWI later. Effects within OE? Fate of Armenians?

    In the "mild CP victory" TL I'm working on, I'm having the Ottomans join the war later than OTL, in late February/early March. The sole purpose of this change is the delay/lessening/prevention of the Armenian genocide. With more favourable weather conditions, the Turks don't suffer such a...
  8. Hawabin

    WI: Battle of Sarikamish was an Ottoman victory.

    The plan for battle of Sarikamish devised by Enver Pasha while great on paper was too complex by half for the troops to enact. But what if Battle Sarikamish was an Ottoman victory. How would the this effect the Ottoman Empire and the Russian empire. Would it cause an earlier Russian withdrawal...
  9. Anarcho-Occultist

    WI:No Armenian Genocide

    The Armenian genocide was not the first genocide ever committed but was the first industrial-scale genocide of the 20th century. It is estimated 1.5 million Armenians were exterminated by the Ottoman Empire and denial of this tragedy is still the official stance of the Turkish government. But...
  10. AHC: American Mandate in Armenia

    There was a movement to establish an American Mandate in Armenia after WWI with some powerful supporters (including Wilson) but it was always a long shot given the isolationism sweeping the US at the time and was massively defeated in the Senate. How could it have become feasible and what would...
  11. PakistaniGuyUK

    AHC/WI: Hindu Armenia until Ottoman Invasion c.1623...

    Although these events may seem implausible, all you need is a certain intangible spark in the past - call it fate or call it chance - to set off a chain of events that will unfold into an entirely different timeline. As you shall see, I will keep as close to reality as possible (no ASBs...
  12. GauchoBadger

    WI: Turkey crushes Armenia in 1918

    IOTL, at the end of World War I, Turkey was allowed a free hand in the Caucasian Isthmus after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and the Treaty of Batum, which stipulated that the Ottoman Empire was allowed freedom of movement of goods and persons through the territory of the modern Republic of...
  13. AHC: Prevent the Armenian Genocide

    As it says in the title, with a POD anywhere from 1890-1914 can we prevent the massacres of Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians throughout Anatolia?