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  1. How Important was Hannover W/O Britain?

    George I. received the electoral title because he had assured the emperor that his house would always vote for the Habsburg candidate. And, I assume, as a potential distraction for the increasingly powerful Brandenburg-Prussia. The main problem for Hanover would be its position a) between core...
  2. After WW1: Old Bavaria becomes part of Austria?

    The best, if not only, way would be to work with the money. The Entente could declare that Prussia and just Prussia was responsible for WWI and should have to pay all the reparations. Furthermore, as early victims of Prussia, the former states of Hanover, Hesse-Cassel and Nassau (perhaps even...
  3. What if a Black-Yellow coalition was possible in Germany in 2005?

    Agreed. It all depends how Schröder's policies are viewed in the SPD. There might be the strong desire for a new start after an obvious defeat. What would happen politically to those SPD politicians who served OTL in Merkel's cabinet? Müntefering: retirement, probably Steinmeier: I don't see...
  4. What if a Black-Yellow coalition was possible in Germany in 2005?

    Two things to consider: a) by 2010, Schröder will probably have doubled down on that weird "Idlers must be motivated, with sternness" of the Agenda 2010. And given that he was also keen on governing with the support of Bild and vox populi, he will probably talk shit about the Greeks. b) expect a...
  5. WI: Polish-Saxon Crisis Escalates

    I am reasonably sure that this would actually lead to a DoW by Alexander on Prussia, and that is a war they cannot win. Not even together with Austria. And inviting in French armies to help stop the Russians directly after the wars of liberation is politically impossible.
  6. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    The "no Treaty of Frankfurt" was directed at the idea that there might be no Franco-Prussian War at all. I fully agree how a more conciliatory peace after a far shorter war might look like. IMO the imperial title for North Germany is not only not a given, I think it is even rather unlikely...
  7. (Possible) Timeline Idea: French East Indies (i.e. Philippine Islands)

    I don't know of any French proposals to take over the silver trade. Establishing trade with China, well, that was very interesting, but the French would have not the most attractive stuff the Chinese will want. Control over trade routes is not as cool if you do not have what the guys on the...
  8. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    Without the Treaty of Frankfurt, there is no French reparation money to invest in German infrastructure. If OTOH, France invests directly in South Germany, the differences might be fascinating. Internally, Bavaria would be in the same situation as Prussia in the North (ie bigger in population...
  9. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    Brainstorming: + different Spanish Revolution and no Hohenzollern candidature OR + the Empress pushes her husband towards military pressure on Italy, in order to keep Rome in papal hands. OR + Bismarck falls ill for most of 1870 until the actrual crisis has blown over
  10. (Possible) Timeline Idea: French East Indies (i.e. Philippine Islands)

    The biggest importance of the Philippines were their relative position to China. The flow of Peruvian Silver via Acapulco and Manila to Canton and the flow of Chinese goods via Manila. Acapulco and Veracruz towards Spain was huge, a real globalized trade. France can conquer the Philippines, but...
  11. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    But the tiny Norseman with hs tame elk in Greenland is soo cute! :winkytongue:
  12. How might one allow for there to be an executive monarchy within the UK?

    Well, it is often said that had Elizabeth I been succeeded by one or two equally competent and popular monarchs, then absolutism would have been very difficult to remove from England. Doing what Peter I. did for Muscovy/Russia.
  13. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    And then there is .... this ("The Dispersion of the Peoples and Animals of Pangaea after the Flood"):
  14. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    This one is rather painful (then again, it is from a site called biblescience):
  15. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    To answer the original question: I can see Bavaria (iincluding the Palatinate), Württemberg and Baden staying outside the North German Federation for a long time, but being politically and economically closely associated. To maintain this even two decades after 1867, we have to avoid the...
  16. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    Having the US Zone not connect to the UK Zone is really unlikely. Counter proposal: The UK gives up all of the Rhine Province to France. In compensation, it gets all of current Hesse, and the US gets Bavaria, Baden and Württemberg. Neater, more plausible borders. But alas it still not changes...
  17. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    I cannot agree: NRW, Lower Saxony, Hamburg and S-H were fully in the UK OccZone, Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland fully in the French zone, Bavaria, Bremen and Hesse fully in the American zone. Current BW is actually the only West German Land that straddlees a former OccZone border. That is rather...
  18. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    The French were very wary to have their OccZone join with the "Bizone" (US + UK). So this would be more plausible if B, W and B were for some reason made the French OccZone and the British and American zones were farther north. But that again is unlikely for different reasons.
  19. Keep Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg separate from Germany to present

    The boders of the Kdm of Württemberg and of the Grand Duchy of Baden were essentially fixed by 1806. The borders did not change significantly until 1945, when both states were bisected by the demarcation line of the occupation zones. North of it, the US created the State of...
  20. Austria keep Lombardy and Veneto unto 20 century

    But if you simply want to avoid the Italian War of 1859, you can start by having Felice Orsini die in 1857 of typhoid fever. France does shy away from an alliance with Savoy, and the latter either avoids war or stumbles into a war against Austria and is crushed. France only intervenes...