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  1. Would a world with no Christianity (and thus no Islam) butterfly away the Mongol Empire/Mongol Conquests?, also looking for your critiques for my TL!

    Also, if Venice is being Venice, other countries might be "hmm, if I bypass them by going around, I can make more money by cutting out the middle man"
  2. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    That is far from the worst offender on this thread
  3. Hail, Britannia: A New History

    That's basically how it worked in Canada, both before and after confederation. The provinces strongly resisted the centralisation of power in regards to setting the franchise Also, that's how it happened in the US. The trend towards universal suffrage largely happened piecemeal, until *boom*...
  4. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    I think some of the numbering in eastern Massachusetts are off - there are two places labelled with "10"
  5. Church-State relations in a world with no Reformation

    Having Queen Catherine's nephew occupying Rome at the time had at least some influence on Pope Clement VII's decision Catholic monarchs suppressed monasteries as well - Joseph II of Austria, for instance
  6. Map Thread XXII

    Does it have a cigar smoking demon, a pyrokinetic and a fishman working for it?
  7. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Looks like Nova Scotia shares more than just the name of Scotland, but its tendency towards non-contiguous constituencies
  8. Result of / How can France lose the Franco-Prussian war harder?

    Maybe Germany gets a couple of French colonies? I know Bismark wasn't a fan of overseas expansion. However, he wasn't much interested in obtaining Alsace-Lorraine either, but, well, we all know how that worked out Maybe if Bismark was sidelined earlier and replaced with a more pro-expansionist...
  9. Iran without Islam

    I could definitely see one or more Turkic khanates migrate into Iran, get assimilated and largely convert to either Zoroastrianism or Christianity
  10. AHC: Make the world stagnate in the Middle Ages

    There were multiple waves of Black Plague into Europe, though In a world without germ theory and proper sanitation, it's just a matter of time before a big wave happens
  11. AHC: Make the world stagnate in the Middle Ages

    Feudalism was pretty much on the way out by 1500 in western and central Europe Catholicism has had to deal with various theological opposition groups during that period - e.g. the Lollards, Hussites etc. You can't stop change from happening without expending a lot of effort
  12. What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    Did the US ever have an equivalent to Top of the Pops during this period? Because that's probably what a 1960s equivalent to MTV will be
  13. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    *screams forever*
  14. Our Soviet Union (USSR)

    Comrades, of course we must select option (A), but if the war escalates, we must make ready for (B) and eventually (C)
  15. The United States with a British Deep South

    Also, their slaves would probably have been encouraged by a "get your freedom if you fight for the British" message
  16. AHC: Most Successful Possible Celts

    Option 1 - unified Brythonic Britain smash the Anglo-Saxons, and later forms massive global empire Option 2 - Gauls/Carthage/someone else absolutely wreck Rome early on, to the point that they can't expand beyond the Italian peninsula
  17. The United States with a British Deep South

    Even considering how many slaveowners were in Parliament at the time? And how massively pro "private property" basically every MP was?
  18. Jesus conquers Rome and Parthia

    If he tries, he probably gets the same fate as Simon Bar Kokhba
  19. Map Thread XXII

    I suppose some of the Irish peatlands could have had an ASB injection of coal-ification