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  1. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Small error. the number of lost cruisers should be 2
  2. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    @Lascaris any future palns for the HN fleet? IOTL Greece got the light cruiser Eugenio Di Savoia from Italy as war reparations. Could it get smt more ITTL? If Greece does get Cyprus from the UK at some point, it might be a good idea to obtain a light aircraft carrier, from the British or from...
  3. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    @Lascaris where is Pavlos Santorinis now ? He was mentioned before ITTL...
  4. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Perhaps both sides will start approaching some foreign powers for help, with the impasse solved by the arrival of Demetrios with a bunch of Indian mercenaries (who will later stay in Rhomania, creating a syncritism between Hinduism and Orthodoxy :openedeyewink: ).
  5. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I wonder if Dragoumis will return to power after the Greek elections, i hope so. I am also curious what will the new UK government do about Cyprus. I think the most probable outcome would be increased self-governing and a referendum to take place in 5-10 years to approve or not the union with...
  6. The eagle's left head

    I can understand the reaction of Agnes/Blanche, but she could have been a bit more diplomatic, something like "we are not able to send assistance now, maybe later, in exchange for Gallipoli (Kallipoli), when it will be recovered from the Ottomans." Or to send just a token force.
  7. The eagle's left head

    Shocking development! The best thing for the Lascarids now would be to offer peace only to the Venetians and ask only for for Crete. Would the Venetians conclude a separate peace with the Lascarids though?
  8. The eagle's left head

    Venetian-Sicilian war
  9. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Both of course! :evilsmile: it would be a nice touch if a Greek division would be amongst the liberators of Munich...
  10. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    The reforms mentioned are not a revolution but they will change the Roman society, albeit slowly. Maybe that's for the best, a gradual change is less prone to failure than a rapid one.
  11. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Perhaps this one ?
  12. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    @Lascaris who is running Constantinople now? Is there a High Commissioner for the civil administration of the City, besides the military commanders of the Allies?
  13. The eagle's left head

    So Adrianople has fallen 3 years earlier than IOTL or 10 years according to some other sources. That is grave news, the ERE mignt not even last until 1453 (unless a certain young ruler from the West, with a glorious name, manages to do something about that.) It remains to be seen if the Cyprus...
  14. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    So Greece is contributing nearly half a million soldiers... An impressive contribution and I am sure it will enhance its status among the United Nations, with some benefits coming out of that. How is the Greek public feeling about this participation? Aren't there any complaints of the type "we...
  15. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    No Operation Bodenplatte ITTL. The Luftwaffe is stretched too thin to attempt such an operation (which might not be a bad thing for them, considering the OTL results of the operation). The incident in Venice was a nice touch. I agree with @phil03 that maybe the Greeks will manage to get some...
  16. The eagle's left head

    Is there any link where we could find this first TL of yours about the Lascarids?
  17. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I didn't expect that large Greek forces fighting in Yugoslavia! How many Axis forxes are still fighting in Yugoslavia?
  18. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    Unfortunately the Katyn Massacre has already happened since 1940. So unless there is another major butterfly it wouldn't be avoided ITTL.
  19. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    The Lower Council reform shows good intentions but the Devil hides in the details. For instance how will the Council decide on which subjects it will advise or inform the Imperial government? If it will be by majority vote then the lower classes won't have many chance of putting forth their...
  20. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Most likely there will not be a successful secession. However, if Vardar Macedonia can not remain part of the Greater Serbia kingdom, it might be divided in 4 pieces. Greece would get Strumitsa (besides the Monastir area), for defensive reasons, and the rest would be divided between Serbia...