Recent content by mudhead

  1. Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    This morning: I bought the following in a charity shop: Nicholas Stargardt: The German War - A Nation Under Arms 1939-45 (2015) I've had a quick scn, and it seems very good on social and religious aspects of The Reich. Another by Burleigh: Germany Turns Eastwards (1988), a look at the...
  2. Why the Chinese play cricket (an Imperial Federation timeline)

    The BB seems like a version of Von Der Tann - which was the only German ship to have the officers' accomodation in the bow, for some reason. The Magdeburgs were used to test different types of turbines. presumably the Ottoman version will be more standardised.
  3. DOWN THESE MEAN STREETS: Accounts of alternate crime, mystery & thriller adaptations.🕵️‍♂️

    About the best soundtrack of any film I've ever seen. (Apart from This is Spinal Tap, of course).
  4. Upcoming AH books

    It's a satire. The review doesn't say.
  5. Upcoming AH books

    There's a new AH novel out by conservative commentator Lionel Schriver, Mania. POD: Obama is a one-term POTUS, his successor being one Joe Biden of Mental Parity, elected on a platform of promoting stupidity. (the Democrats respond by nominating Donald Trump, since "he never reads"). Somewhat...
  6. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Well, I've no idea how old you are, but here's a cake that you can save until the appropriate date. Many happy returns
  7. What Can Japan Do To Improve The Performance Of Its WW2 Submarine Fleet?

    Their sub drivers talked too much. Forget the codebreaking - from early on the USN was able to predict future positions quite accurately based on DF, and was able to lay on a couple of successful ambushes. This is simply a matter of proper security.
  8. Why the Chinese play cricket (an Imperial Federation timeline)

    I've dug up a movie in which the Madsen featues prominently, if not very correctly. It's the 1964 take of James Jones; The Thin Red Line, vaguely based on the book. Pretty grim for the time, though not really much cop. Keir Dullea gets into practice for dealing with HAL. Apparently made in...
  9. Why the Chinese play cricket (an Imperial Federation timeline)

    The Third Iteration had an airship dogfight Several subsequent posts about this.
  10. Upcoming AH books

    Sandra Newman has written a take on Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, Julia, which tells the same story from the POV of Winston Smith's lover. Guardian review Will definitely look for this on my next trip to the library. Note: avoid the NYT review, as it apparently gives far too much away.
  11. Why the Chinese play cricket (an Imperial Federation timeline)

    Welcome back. Great updates, as ever. I think Santos Dumont has fallen off here. IOTL they had mixed fuel boilers - oil sparayed over coal - until their late '30s rebuilds.
  12. Germany sends Blucher to Kamerun at war start

    British posters Shout at the Devil is on freeview channel Legend, tomorrow at 01.25. Also on freeview channel GREAT! Movies, 9 March, 15.10
  13. Leander class frigate refit sanity options

    Evertsen (and possibly others) was fitted with SQR-18 during the upgrades. All had new hull sonars. I remember her being sunk twice by friendly forces during TEAMWORK 88 - she was the closest escort to Invincible, which launched an air strike at her.