Recent content by Kellan Sullivan

  1. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    So is this a positive toward not recalling the parelements to get the issue resolved sooner. Or would it be better for a more skilful (read a Louis who uses his skill) Louis to keep the parelements cowed?
  2. Possible Marriage Partners for Philip II of Spain

    yes, because Max II was only elected as king of the Romans in November 1562 why wouldn't they produce issue? As I pointed out in my tree, D. Carlos' genetic quota is the same as Louis XIV's son and he left six surviving children (three legitimate, three bastards, with his morganatic wife having...
  3. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    I meant OTL- hence my concern of derailing the thread
  4. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    furs in Klein-Venedig?
  5. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    It was Maurepas's choice of tutors that developed Louis-Auguste's scientific, and in particular his nautical bent, as was to be expected from a long-serving naval minister. Maurepas had appointed Buache hydrographer in his newly formed map bureau at the naval ministry, so it was natural for him...
  6. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    Some notes about Louis XVI's upbringing: With the king washing his hands of his grandchildren's education, the dauphin asked their governor, La Vauguyon to suggest preceptors and do a little teaching himself. It is said that La Vauguyon got the job by bribing a valet to find out what the...
  7. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?
    Threadmarks: The Egyptian Campaign

    Soundtrack: Thomas Ambrose - Le Caïd - Air du Tambour-Majeur *exterior* *Venice* *a barge arrives at the landing stage outside of the Palazzo Iturbide [1]* *the oars are raised in salute* *Marmont- standing on the landing stage- acknowledges the salute* *Marmont is dressed in a scarlet suit...
  8. List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    A fun (not-too-ASB*) WI for @BillieJeanDab and an alternate bride for Felipe II of Spain (who trades lifespans with his cousin, Maximilian II): Felipe II, King of Spain [1556-1573], King of Naples [1554-1573], Duke of Milan [1540-1573] (1527-1573) 1m: 1543 Maria Manuela of Spain (1527-1545)...
  9. PC: July 1830 POD

    deaths wouldn't necessarily go the same, since Charles X and Angoulême were both ill with typhoid- Charles died, Angoulême survived.- which they contracted at their home in exile. Angoulême died of cancer- although I'm not sure what cancer- and spent the last few months in a forgetful blind haze...
  10. List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    daughter of Ferrante of Naples and his aunt, Giovanna
  11. List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    Something I've never seen done before (lots of Isabel/Miguel da Paz survives scenario's though): Fernando II, King of Aragon (1452-1516) m: 1469 Isabel I, Queen of Castile (1451-1504) Isabel II, Queen of Castile [1504-1522] (1470-1522) m: 1490 Affonso VI, King of Portugal (1475-1527) Juan...
  12. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    Sorry if this is derailing the thread, but was there any way that the Welsers could've "made a go" of Klein-Venedig. Not neccessarially turning it into an "empire" but at least using it as a sort of trading post originally and then expanding it from there (sorta like how a lot of Dutch colonies...
  13. WI: Washington stays in postwar retirement, who becomes the first president?

    why? The Venetian Republic basically made a habit of electing men over sixty- some even in their eighties- and it survived for centuries.
  14. WI: Egypt's Independence is Achieved Under Ali Bey the Great?

    @alexmilman Found this and thought it was interesting: