Rememberences of Map Contests Past

How are these Map Contests Organized, anyway? Will there be Fortnight maps here? What are "Contests III and IV"?

I am reposting what I think are the non-crappy maps from contests past. I have put up the maps from "Map Contest I" and "Map Contest II", which took place in 2006 and 2007. There were contests III and IV, but they didn't do as well, IIRC. These early map contests were multi-round and quite different from today's MOF contests. [1] I will get to the Fortnight maps eventually as I work forward in time, and plan to carry on to 2010, by which time we will be running into maps recent enough to be all too familiar.


[1] I don't recall the details exactly, and can't be bothered to find out. :p
For some reason part I of map contest III is not showing up: did someone give the thread a wierd name?

In any event, map contest III, part II: fragmented indonesia.

Imperator gives us a magazine cover:

A historical TIME cover, showing the deadly results of the Indonesian civil war.

The basic idea is that the Brits badly mishandle the Malay emergency - the communist insurgency proves uncontrollable and spreads to the rest of Borneo, destablizing Indonesia. After the Dutch pull out and retire to Western New Guinea, the nation fractures and breaks down along regional lines. As of 1959, the new countries are:

The People's Republic of Borneo, backed by Beijing and Moscow, which is locked in a never ending turf war with...

The Republic of Borneo, which is supported by the United States

Java has been split along ethnic lines, with the Javanese and Sundanese republics in a temporary cease-fire at the time of 1959.

Sumatra, Timor, and Celebes (Sulawesi) have split off to become independent nations.

The rest of the archipelago is occupied by the Indonesian Federation, essentially an Australian and American puppet that professes to be the "true" Indonesia.

euio continues to hurt my eyes...

This world diverges from OTL sometime in the Napoleonic Wars, ending up
with a stronger Bavaria and Netherlands, and a rump HRE including one
northern Germany and the Habsburg lands.

The Netherlands has recently lost a war, and most of its colonies were

Those who read the near-illegible hand-written notes on the map will be
rewarded by discovering an awesome steampunk world filled with
ornithopters and airships.

The seven new countries (and one remaining Dutch area) are:

Borneo, a British satellite,
Sumatra, another British satellite,
Celebes, a Habsburg satellite,
Molucca, a Yankeestani satellite,
Timor, a French satellite,
Jakarta, another French satellite,
Lesser Sunda, a Bavarian satellite,
and finally Java, which has remained Dutch.

The arrows are not actually part of the map, but were drawn on there by
the owner of the map, who also wrote the notes all over it.


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Philip with one L:

As of 1965, three years after the New York Agreement[*] was signed, the Indonesian occupiers of western Papua had not allowed the mandated Act of Free Choice[*] to proceed. The Netherlands, supported by the UK, petitioned the Security Council to take up the matter[1]. A resolution was pressed through calling for an immediate plebiscite concerning the future of western Papua under international supervision. The vote was held in early November, 1965 under the watchful eyes of officials from Australian and New Zealand.

To the surprise of some, the voters invited the Dutch to return and secure their newly founded nation from the ongoing Indonesian invasion. The Indonesian government viewed this as the result of British interference in their affairs, and the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation[*] escalated. The British continued to support their former colony, further angering the Indonesians. The British (indirectly) and Malaysian (directly) efforts secured independence for Bangka-Belitung and some smaller isles in 1967. They continue to support ethnic Malay separatists in Riau. Many commentators expect Bangka-Belitung to seek admittance to the Malaysian Federation in the near future.

Concerned, rightly or wrongly, about recent religious wars such as the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 and the Six-Days' War, the Hindus of Bali and the Christians of eastern Timur declared their independence from Indonesia in early 1968. Timur requested and received protectorate status from Australia. Banjar rebels espousing Maoist doctrine and receiving Chinese support have begun an uprising in southern Borneo.

Citing a desire to just have peace, the residents of the northern Maluku islands separated from Indonesia in late 1969.

[*] These are OTL items.
[1] POD. IOTL, the referendum was not held until 1969.


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No Pearl Harbour => No US involvement in Asian Theatre WW2

Nipponese conquest of Netherlands East Indies

Anglo-Australian invasion of Java and Sunda Islands

Nipponese defeat is not total => Borneo and surrounding seas remain Nipponese posessions.
Other Indonesian areas are given various levels of autonomy.

Netherlands regains control of West New Guinea

Sumatra splinters along ethnic lines.

Post WW2 a cold war between Imperial Nippon and USA. US sponsors Sulawesi/Molucca capatalist rebellions.
1954 - Celebes War. US backing of Philipines invasion of the Celebes and Moluccas to support "freedon fighters" as a proxy for fighting against the Nipponese.

Sunda Islands are maintained as a Commonwealth Protectorate to protect shipping lanes, as the Malacca Strait is unstable, and passes through Nipponese zones.


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Dutchie won that, with Imperator the runnerup.

And round III of contest III is alternate colonization again.



2021 edit: the map is there, but you have to click on the PDF to see it.


  • map contest III round III mcPhotoshop Layers copy.pdf
    899.4 KB · Views: 1,511
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POD: Henry IV and Joanna La Beltraneja win the War of the Castilian Succession in 1478. The lone independent native state is Somalia. It survives primarily as a buffer between Iberian and Ottoman possessions. Oman was a client state of Iberia until the late 18th Century. When it broke away it took some Iberian possessions with it.

Clichés avoided: Congo is not in the hands of a minor power. Abyssinia/Ethiopia is not independent. I am sure there are many clichés I failed to avoid.


No Pearl Harbour => No US involvement in Asian Theatre WW2

Nipponese conquest of Netherlands East Indies

Anglo-Australian invasion of Java and Sunda Islands

Nipponese defeat is not total => Borneo and surrounding seas remain Nipponese posessions.
Other Indonesian areas are given various levels of autonomy.

Netherlands regains control of West New Guinea

Sumatra splinters along ethnic lines.

Post WW2 a cold war between Imperial Nippon and USA. US sponsors Sulawesi/Molucca capatalist rebellions.
1954 - Celebes War. US backing of Philipines invasion of the Celebes and Moluccas to support "freedon fighters" as a proxy for fighting against the Nipponese.

Sunda Islands are maintained as a Commonwealth Protectorate to protect shipping lanes, as the Malacca Strait is unstable, and passes through Nipponese zones.

That looks real.

POD: Columbus is blown off course and instead lands somewhere in North America. The Spanish then focus their colonization attempts in North America and the continents soon become known as North and South Columbia. The lack of gold does not really spark interest in other European nations who are slow to colonize. That is, until the Portuguese discover the rich Central and South American civilizations. They lead the way to conquest while the French, Dutch, British and Genoese get involved. And so forth. Later on, in an entirely different story, China and Russia get heavily involved and set up their own colonies.

I made a map of the Western Hemisphere until I read that I could only do one continent. South America is less-colorful, since it is primarily British colonies. I will post THAT map in the map thread.


Charles the Rash isn't so rash.
You say: :confused:

I say: Who said the PoD had to be related to colonisation?

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Here's my contribution. The POD is that Napoleon makes a lasting peace with Britain after the Treaty of Pressburg in 1806.

The map is from 1898, after the Spanish-American War that, among other things, guaranteed the independence of the Sultanate of Morocco.


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ChucK Y:

POD August 1461 Louis XI of France dies three weeks after his coronation. The succession of his infant son Charles is disputed by supporters of his brother Charles, Duke of Berry. The dispute turns into civil war, and then into a three-sided war when Edward IV of England invades. Both Charles' die during the war, and Edward declares himself King of France. Civil war erupts. Edward manages to suppress his opposition, but revolt is just under the surface.

During the sixteenth century, the Hapsburg dynastic ambitions are butterflied away.

1494 Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) sails for Frederick I of Denmark, searching for a northern passage to the Indies. He reaches the North American mainland and explores down the coast. He calls the lands he finds Markland and Vinland, from the Lief Ericksen saga.

1496 Christopher Columbus is convinced that Caboto has found the Indies, and is finally able to convince Isabella to finance an expedition.

1506 Willem Martel of Frankfurt begins the Erneuerung (Renewal) movement [roughly OTL Reformation]. Joined by Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli and others, the Erneuerung is accepted relatively peacefully in the Germainis. In France, it triggers a long series of dynastic and religious wars that devastate France. France ends up partitioned. Savoy is among the winners.

1535-40 The Spanish conquer the Aztec Empire.

The Germans produce two major powers in the seventeenth century, The Austro-Prussian Empire in the east, and Neiderdeutschland in the west.
After the Second Baltic War, Denmark is forced to cede Markland to the Austro-Prussian Empire.

England, preoccupied with France, is late getting into colonization.

After Sweden leaves the Kalmar Union, both Denmark-Norway and Sweden have colonies in the New World.

North America comes to be named Hy Brasil.

Spain is unsuccessful in many of its wars, and is forced to cede Mississippi to Neiderdeutschland, Florida to Britain, and Texas to Aquitaine. Later its other colonies secede to become independent nations.



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PoD: Charles the Bold lives a full life, and as a result Burgundy becomes a major European Power. Butterflies mean that the Americas are discovered by the English, who soon colonise the Caribbean and Mexico. North America (or 'Brazil' ITTL) is heavily colonised by many nations, most notably France and Burgundy. When the latter undergoes upheaval in the late 18th century the majority of her colonial possessions break away to form an independent republic; other interesting divergences in the *North America of 1900 include a Basque microstate on OTL's Isle of Anticosti, Danish rule in OTL's Canada and surviving Native states amongst the Iroqois and the Sioux (who have intermingled with Danish and Burgundian settlers similar to the Metis of OTL)


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I based this map heavily off of Dale Cozort's "Spain Colonize South Carolina, 1526".

Ayallon's attempt to settle South Carolina in 1526 succeeds. Disease kills most of the Indians that DeSoto traded with on his expedition, which leads to failure of same. Thus, DeSoto doesn't meet and kill Tuscaloosa, who goes on to found a kingdom. The Ayallon colony supplies the Appalachee as a buffer against Tuscaloosa. The DeLuna colony succeeds because there are Indians to trade with because DeSoto didn't come through and kill them all. Huguenots settle in Virginia. The English focus on Canada in rivalry with the French.

My stuff:

New England: The English king grants Nova Scotia (more-or-less Massachusetts) to a Scottish nobleman as a reward and in hopes that that will get rid of some rebellious Scots. The Scottish nobleman strikes a deal with some Welshmen to allow them separate courts and limited self-government (something similar almost happened in Pennsylvania OTL) if they will settle and develop the area around Narragansett Bay. Many of the Welsh that OTL settled in Patagonia, settle in Nova Scotia instead. The area now has de facto independence.

California: Date Masumune is much more successful courting European powers. By the time he is ousted from power in Japan, he has built a small fleet. He takes this fleet and sails east. He makes land-fall in OTL California and claims most of the Long Valley. Naval power is deemed a necessity by the young colony, and Hawaii is discovered several years later. Through a policy of intermarriage, the Hawaiian royalty is almost Japanese and the two realms are nigh united.

Or, Date lands on Hawaii and conquers the Islands, but realizes his people need more land so he sends out explorers. One finds the California coast (hard to miss?), Date realizes that this is ideal, and moves most of his people there. That would explain the wannabe-pseudo-Japanese name i gave Hawaii better. Wikipedia says that Yoshi was Date's mom.

South America: Doesn't count for the challenge, but somehow or another, the Welsers keep Venezuela. Federmann lives, perhaps.

oops, almost forgot Dinetah. All the men New Spain has in DeLuna aren't available when needed to fight the Chichemics. Still, they're defeated and retreat north. Most are absorbed into the Navajo, who are thus much stronger than OTL. Louisiana supports the native nations on it's borders (Dinetah, Tuscaloosa, Iroquois) as buffers.


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And here's VulkanTrekkie45, (VT45: banned) solely because I like the color effects. :D

In 1518, Cortes and his fleet met disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, enconutering a storm which sunk the entire fleet, leaving no survivors. As a result, the Aztec Empire kept expanding, and when contact was finally established with them in the late 16th century, their empire was the most powerful in the Americas. They eventually began expanding across the oceans, and founded a colony in Australia in the late 17th century, using imported European technology. Elsewhere, the Dutch established a colony in Australia when they completed the first circumnavigation of Australia. The British likewise established a colony in Botany Bay. Majapahit as well expanded into Australia, while the Ottomans, looking elsewhere for conquests, took over Tasmania. By 1750, the colonial claims were starting to overlap with one another, to such an extent that it could have caused a war. However, the enlightened minds of the British decided to negotiate a treaty to end the disputes. China mediated, and created three neutral states along the coasts, to be inhabited jointly by the two neighbouring imperial powers, as well as by the indigenous peoples. The current year is 1810.


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