What if Frederick Barbarossa didn't drown in the Göksu River? How would it have affected the Third Crusade and other things and events?
What if Frederick Barbarossa didn't drown in the Göksu River? How would it have affected the Third Crusade and other things and events?

As long as Frederick is around, the Crusade has a leader with undisputed authority and there are much more German participants than in OTL. Which means that Richard is a less visible figure, especially taking into an account that he was associated with the “wrong” Germans. Degree of the Crusade’s success is anybody’s guess.
That extra manpower could help in making a real push for Jerusalem, but whether it can be taken is still up in the air. Frederick at least would be a valuable mediator between the egos of Richard and Philip, being the emperor and all.

Furthermore, Frederick would have final say as to who ends up as the King of Jerusalem, as there was a major squabble between Guy de Lusignan and Conrad of Montferrat.
Pretty likely who the Crusade will stay unite and Jerusalem will be retaken by the Crusaders.
The Emperor will be the main commander (and undisputed leader) of the Crusade, followed by Richard and Philip in this order (because the King of England was without doubt the better military commander of the two and was a kinsman of the Jerusalem’s royals).
With Frederick, Richard and Philip to decide about Jerusalem’s Crown, Conrad and Isabella would be recognized as rulers of Jerusalem much earlier than OTL (as Guy had already lost his right to rule with the deaths of his wife and their daughters) and that would likely imply an earlier cession of Cyprus to Guy from Richard